"Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to authorize the
General Assembly to provide by general law for a state-wide homestead exemption that serves to limit increases in the assessed valueof homesteads, but which any county, consolidated government, municipality, or local school system may opt out of upon the completion of certain procedures?
This amendment would allow the Georgia General Assembly to create a state-wide homestead exemption that helps limit increases in the assessed property values for homeowners. Each local area such as a county, city government, or school district would have the option to "opt-out" of this exemption if they follow certain steps. Essentially, it’s a way for the state to offer property tax relief to homeowners, but each local government would have the freedom to choose whether or not they participate.
Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to provide for the
Georgia Tax Court to be vested with the judicial power of the state and to have venue, judges, and jurisdiction concurrent with superior courts?
This amendment proposes creating a new court in Georgia, called the Georgia Tax Court, which would handle tax-related cases across the state. It would have the same legal authority as superior courts, meaning it could hear cases and make decisions just like them. This new court would also have judges and locations similar to superior courts, focusing specifically on tax issues.
Do you approve the Act that increases an exemption from property tax for all tangible personal property from $7,500.00 to $20,000.00?
This amendment proposes to increase the tax exemption for tangible personal property. Currently, the exemption is $7,500, meaning that the first $7,500 worth of tangible personal property you own is not taxed. If this amendment passes, the exemption amount will rise to $20,000, so you won’t be taxed on the first $20,000 of tangible personal property. Essentially, if approved, it allows people to keep more of their personal property value tax-free.
Rides to the Polls
Urban League Partners have a non-partition collaboration with churches in the area that will pick up and drop off voters. Call 706-322-6840 to schedule a ride. Voters are encouraged to call ahead and plan to pick up a day in advance. Times are limited, but most drivers are available from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Lambs Funeral Home will also be providing rides on Election Day for Muscogee County residents. They can be reached at 706-940-0744.