What The People Are Saying...

What The People Are Saying...

Beware of Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing…Really John?

If his recent nomination to City Council wasn’t controversial enough, John Anker is now taking things a step further. According to the street committee, he is requesting a meeting with Black business owners. One business owner who met with Anker noted that he seemed deeply concerned about his image.

Matthew 7:15 warns us: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits.”

Maya Angelou said it best: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

So, why now? Why didn’t Anker reach out to Black business owners when he ran for mayor? Why not when he ran for City Council? The street committee sees this for what it is—straight from the Republican playbook: divide and conquer.

Let’s hope we’re smart enough not to fall for the banana in the tailpipe.

 Joanne Cogle Where Were you?

After years of neglect, the recently unveiled master plan for the revitalization of the Liberty District stands as one of the most significant developments in District 7 in decades. Former tax commissioner Lula Huff recalls the district’s heyday in the ’50s and ’60s, when it thrived as a bustling Black enclave filled with residents, restaurants, professional offices, and entertainment.

For long-time residents, the Liberty District is more than just a redevelopment project—it is a vital piece of local history that deserves recognition and investment. While community leaders remain hopeful that this initiative will restore economic and cultural vibrancy, concerns linger about whether city officials will provide the necessary support to turn this vision into reality.

However, according to community sources, District 7 City Councilor Joann Cogle was notably absent from both public sessions discussing the plan. Her absence has left many constituents questioning her commitment to the project. Some wonder whether she would have attended had it been a historically recognized district of a different nature. It was noticed that former city councilor Mimi Woodson was in attendance.

A Hit Dog Will Holler!

Much is being made of the comments by Rev. Johnny Flakes, III referring to Councilors Toyia Tucker and Byron Hickey, when he said at a recent press conference; “They’re in-house Negroes, they carry the buckets of the water, and they have sold their souls.”

The street committee, however, wants to set the record straight. Naturally the mainstream media would lead with that but here are the facts. Despite their outrage against his comments, they both know exactly what Rev. Flakes meant and the rest of the Black community does also. For them to reach out to the mainstream media trying to solicit sympathy we have a saying for that; “A hit dog will holler.”

The street committee breaks it down like this. The actions taken by these seven councilors are unacceptable, and all of them must be held accountable. What makes this even more troubling is that we had to sit back and watch helplessly as two African American councilors participated in something we have fought against for generations, dating back to the Civil Rights Movement and beyond. Shame on them for taking part in an effort that undermines the will of the people.

National NAACP board member ED DuBose said it best. “We cannot and will not stand for our votes and our community being disregarded in this way. This is not about division but about accountability. Every single one of them must answer for their actions.

To our brothers and sisters in the white community, we ask: Would you stand for something like this if the roles were reversed? Would you accept an attempt to subvert and overturn the will of the people?

John Anker had his opportunity to serve as a City Council member. He ran, he campaigned, and he lost. The people made their choice and voted for Travis Chambers. Yet, seven City Council members decided that the voices of their constituents weren’t good enough—that they had the right to speak on behalf of the people without being asked. They installed John Anker, who had already been rejected by the voters, into a position of power.

This is a blatant attempt to override the will of the people, and we will not stand for it. Our message is clear: we demand accountability, we demand justice, and we will not allow anyone—regardless of who they are—to erase our voices and our votes.”

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