Sheriff Greg Countryman: His journey to Sheriff and what’s to come

Sheriff Greg Countryman: His journey to Sheriff and what’s to come

By Janell Williams

A native of Columbus, Sheriff Greg Countryman did not always envision himself as an elected official. Coming to Muscogee County as a child, Countryman grew up struggling with learning disorders, including a speech impediment, that often made things difficult for him. At the age of 26, he enrolled at Chattahoochee Valley Community College where he began his academic career.

As he concluded his academic journey, Countryman went on to teach at a collegiate level and focused his learning style on catering to students’ various learning abilities. From there, he pursued his career in law enforcement. Beginning his journey with Columbus Housing PD and different task forces, Countryman later decided to run for Marshal.

After serving as Marshal for 16 years, he ran for Sheriff and has held that title since Jan. 2021. Since 1828, Countryman is the first African American to have held the positions of Marshal and Sheriff.

Countryman wants to focus on the advancement of Columbus and keeping the community safe and clean. “We’re at the point now where we can see the gift at the end of the tunnel, but the tunnel is still long,” said Countryman. With the appointment of Stoney Mathis as Chief of Police, Countryman hopes they can work together for a brighter Columbus. “When I found out we were getting a new Chief, I did my homework on him. I found that anyone can work with him and, in the long run, we don’t have to worry about maneuvering around egos,” said Countryman.

Sheriff Countryman would like to continue leading the city with humility and trust.

“We believe in our community and our community believes in us.”

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