Georgia Lawmakers Debate Key Legislation as 2025 Session Nears Final Weeks
Staff Report On Tuesday, Mar. 18, 2025, my legislative colleagues and I returned to the Gold Dome for Legislative Day
The FBI wants to remind the public to be vigilant of their surroundings and use caution when traveling during spring break.
As a first step in planning any trip abroad, check the travel advisories of your intended destination. The travel advisory system was designed to give U.S. citizens timely, clear, and reliable information regarding security threats overseas.
“Whether it’s families looking to escape the final throes of winter or a college student seeking a brief respite from the rigors of academic life, know that the risks are there,” said FBI Assistant Director in Charge, Akil Davis. “Maintain vigilance throughout your travels and be prepared to contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate should the need arise.”
The following tips may help you feel more secure while traveling abroad:
To view the latest travel advisories, visit:
Finally, if you see or hear suspicious activity when traveling, contact your local FBI or submit a tip online at Your identity can remain anonymous when submitting a tip to the FBI.