Legal Battles Persist for Columbus Man Following Drug Conviction
By Janell Williams Lee Williams was sentenced to 35 years in prison for drug trafficking, only to later discover that
Why is it that so many of us have a problem accepting the success, good fortune, or hard work of others?
Most of us spend the greater part of our lives eking out a living, surviving paycheck-to-paycheck. When we finally get in a position to better our living conditions or mode of transportation there is always someone in our circle of friends or enemies with something negative to say about it.
If your neighbors of 10 years decide to move to an affluent neighborhood, be happy for them. If your co-worker comes to work in a new car and you know they don’t make any more money than you, be happy for them.
If your friend finally finds that special someone and you have been searching forever and are still spending your nights alone, be happy for them. If you see a young brother or sister with an entrepreneurial spirit trying to provide a positive social event for area professionals, be happy for them.
Just because you want to move to a better neighborhood but can’t, just because you need a new vehicle but can’t afford one, just because you can’t seem to find that special someone when all your friends are in committed relationships, just because you didn’t think of the entrepreneurial idea first, there is no reason to put those that can, have and did, down.
You don’t know what sacrifices people go through to get what they want. Maybe, just maybe they saved their money to live the way they want. Maybe they won the lottery. Maybe they choose to eat biscuits with syrup or peanut butter sandwiches to live in a nice home or drive the car they have because that is all they can afford. That is their business. We as a people need to stop putting each other down because of jealousy.
We have got to learn to be happy for each other and not jealous of what others have. Remember, their fortune today can be your fortune tomorrow. And another thing; since I’m in the advice-giving mode; be careful who you trust, not everyone who smiles at you is your friend.
Often when we are going through a difficult time we tend to think we need a second opinion, and we end up trusting the wrong people. Some of them, so called “friends,” are backstabbers and eventually destroy you. What you do not desire the world to know, you should keep to yourself. Trust me, if you look deep inside your soul, you will find the solution to your own problems.
There are people so miserable with themselves and their own lives that they get thrilled knowing you have problems so they can feel better about their own lives.
She’s gone now. However, over the years, my mother provided me with the following sage advice:
“Never tell your problems to anyone…20 percent don’t care and the other 80 percent are glad you have them.”
“Don't worry about those who talk behind your back. They're behind you for a reason.”
“If they talk about others to you, they will certainly talk about you to others.”
“If they don’t like you but still watch everything you do, then let’s face it they are a fan.”
“Whoever is trying to bring you down is already beneath you.”
“You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You will only be criticized by someone doing less.”
And finally, my favorite: "Be careful who you trust. Salt and sugar look the same."