Moving Forward Together: A Call for Unity and Action
A town hall meeting at St. Paul AMA Church Monday evening was a call for unity. In a time of
More than 206,922 African American, Hispanic and other minority consumers reside within the distribution and shopping area served by The Courier/Eco Latino newspaper. That area includes Columbus, Phenix City, and Ft. Moore as well as surrounding counties Harris, Russell and Chattahoochee. Columbus also serves as a major hub for shopping and entertainment in Georgia and east Alabama. Demographics: 49% Black, 43% White, 8% Hispanic
Publishing weekly in English and Spanish every Thursday with a circulation of 11,500 email subscribers provides advertisers with an excellent opportunity for reaching African American and Hispanic consumers. The Courier / Eco Latino, in addition to the general merchandising benefits, creates goodwill and builds loyalty. Our readers receive The Courier / Eco Latino through delivery to homes as well as thro is complimented by our collaborative relationship with the Black-owned radio station, Davis Broadcasting, Inc.
Our Mission: Founded in 2005 we have amplified the voices of Black and Brown undeserved communities in Columbus, Georgia and its surrounding counties reporting issues affecting their everyday lives without fear or favor. As the only bi-lingual publication in the tri-city area we made a conscious decision to report only local news. Our mission, from the beginning has been to educate, enlighten, inform, empower and inspire. We serve two different populations, and we are the only community newspaper with digital distribution on our website and social media platforms. We are a voice for those who need a platform to plead their cause
Our Coverage
Columbus, Georgia (Muscogee County); population: 206, 900. The demographics are: 49% Black; 37% White; 3% Hispanic Talbotton, Georgia (Talbot County); population: 742. The demographics are: 81% Black; 16% White; 1% Hispanic
Phenix City, Alabama (Russell County); population: 38,816. The demographics are: 48% Black; 40% White; 6% Hispanic
We also cover Ft. Moore, Georgia the United States Army base that houses and supports 120,000 active-duty military, family members, reserve component soldiers, retirees and civilian employees on a daily basis.