A Special View From A Pew A Call To Action…We Need all 10 City Councilors to Show Up on Tuesday and Vote!

A Special View From A Pew A Call To Action…We Need all 10 City Councilors to Show Up on Tuesday and Vote!

President/ Publisher

Wane A. Hailes


No more excuses. “Ain’t nobody got time for that now.” As city council members you have been duly elected to serve and represent the constituents of your respective districts. You can not do that by not showing up to council meetings or leaving council chambers when important votes are taken.

Your vote on Tuesday to “get the ball rolling” has far more implications than just renovating Golden Park to bring the Atlanta Braves AA franchise from Mississippi.

The expectation is that by investing in the ballpark, additional investments estimated at $400 million would be attracted to South Columbus in the form of an onsite hotel, retail and residential properties. 

So we know that “Pops” Barnes, Tyson Begly, Gary Allen, Bruce Huff, and Walker Garrett are the five councilors who are committed to the economic development of South Columbus. What is troubling is why aren’t you JoAnn Cogle? This is the district you represent. This is the district whose churches you stood in when you ran for office vowing to “represent their best interest.” How can you stand idly by and not fight for potentially $400 million in economic development for your district? Your predecessor “Mimi” Woodsen would have been fighting “tooth and nail” to get this passed for her constituents, her district. Why aren’t you?

Finally, Toyia Tucker, yes, you live in District 4, but having an opportunity to support an area of Columbus that you know has always been given the “short end of the stick” and you do not vote to move forward with this project is unconscionable!

If you do vote no, please do not expect the Black community especially those who reside in South Columbus who have forever been underserved, marginalized, and disenfranchised to support your efforts regarding any Juneteenth celebration. Those of us who live in District 4 will take our frustration out on you at the polls come the election on May 21st.




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